CornFest | August First Fridays
Cornhole Tournament Rules
There are two levels of competition in the Tournament. For those looking to have a fun relaxing night with their friends while perhaps visiting our beer tent, we recommend you select the For Fun category.
For those of you with more of a competitive streak or more experience in the world of kicking butt and taking names we recommend you select the For Glory category.
Team Makeup
- 2 – 3 people to a team
- 2 players on the court during games
- Teams of 3 may alternate players between rounds but may not alternate during game time.
Tournament Design / Scoring
- Double Elimination / Seated Bracket Tournament
- 16 Teams
- Games are played until the first team reaches or exceeds 21 points.
- The winning team does not need to win by 2 or more points.
- Games cannot end in the middle of a frame.
- If game is tied at 21 or more points at the end of a frame, play continues until a team achieves a higher score at the end of a frame.
- Games are played to 21 UNLESS a team scores 7 or more points at the end of a frame before their opponents score any points. This game is a “skunk” and the team that scored 7 or more wins.
- Points are totaled at the end of each frame. Smaller score subtracted from larger score, the difference is awarded to the team scoring the most points that frame. Only one team can score per frame.
Coin Toss
- Before the first game, the official conducts a coin toss in the presence of the Team Representatives. The winner of the coin toss chooses either:
- Select whether to pitch the first bag or choose the side of the court on which to start the game.
- The loser takes the remaining choice.
Rules During Play
- Games are broken down into frames of play. During each frame, each team must pitch all 4 cornhole bags.
- A cornhole bag in-the-hole (or hole-in) is thrown or knocked through the hole in the cornhole board. A bag-in-hole has a value of 3 points.
- A cornhole bag in-the-count lands with any portion of the bag resting on the cornhole board. A bag in-the-count has a value of 1 points.
- A cornhole bag out-of-the-count comes to rest anywhere except in-the-count or in-the-hole. A bag out-of-the-count has no scoring value.
- Any bag that makes contact with the ground is considered out-of-count.
- Contestants alternate pitching bags until they have thrown all 4 bags, ending the frame. One contestant from each team will compete in each frame. The other two contestants (one from each team) will compete in the following frame.
- Contestants may deliver the bag from either the left or right pitcher’s box. In any 1 frame, all bags must be delivered from the same pitcher’s box.
- A contestant must pitch the entire tournament with the same hand or arm EXCEPT for the case of a medical emergency.
- The contestant who scored in the preceding frame must pitch first in the next inning. If neither pitcher scores, the contestant who pitched first in the preceding frame shall retain first pitch in the next frame.
- Pitchers must maintain constant contact with the designated pitcher’s box during the pitch.
- If both contestants use the same pitcher’s box to deliver their bags, the contestant pitching first should cross over to the other pitcher’s box in front of the board and then move to the proper position.
- Foul bags are scored as bags out of count and are removed from the Cornhole court before any more bags are pitched.
- Games are played until the first team reaches or exceeds 21 points.
- The winning team does not need to win by 2 or more points.
- Games cannot end in the middle of a frame.
- If game is tied at 21 or more at the end of a frame, play continues until a team achieves a higher score at the end of a frame.
- Games are played to 21 UNLESS a team scores 7 or more points at the end of a frame before their opponents score any points. This game is a “skunk” and the team that scored 7 or more wins.
- Points are totaled at the end of each frame. Smaller score subtracted from larger score, the difference is awarded to the team scoring the most points that frame. Only one team can score per frame.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
- Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated from players or fans.
- This includes but is not limited to, acts or conduct such as:
- Vulgar, obscene, or profane language
- Protesting judgment call during game
- Disrespectfully addressing or contacting an official or gesturing in such a manner as to indicate resentment.
- Acting contrary to good manners or moral principles
Interfering with an opponent’s ability to play - Expressing contempt
The tournament begins at 6 p.m. All team members must check in 30 minutes prior to game time. Participants under age 18 MUST have a parent / guardian sign their participation waiver before they can play.
Thank you CornFest Sponsors!