June First Fridays | Love, Goshen
Friday, June 5
Happy Birthday, Goshen First Fridays! June is First Fridays’ 14th birthday. While we have to celebrate at a safe social distance and limit crowd numbers, we are still excited to mark our anniversary month with fanfare.
On Friday, June 5, from 5 – 9 p.m. the First Fridays team will have an information tent at 133 South Main Street passing out FREE face masks and providing a list of businesses that are open.
Our birthday wish is a month-long celebration of love for Goshen’s locally-owned businesses. #lovegoshen
To find a list of ways to support local businesses, see who is open throughout the month, and review store safety policies, see our member listing.
Happy 14th Birthday First Fridays! We are extremely thankful for our community and friends for keeping our monthly party going for over a decade. Although we wish we were celebrating with you all in person, we will continue to support our local downtown businesses until we can party in person!
Visit our Stories page for interviews with downtown business owners.
See our member listing for virtual tours of downtown stores and see what they are doing to keep you safe!
Thank you June First Fridays Sponsors!