All-Day Event Set for Saturday, February 27
Downtown Carvers to Transform Ice Into Art
Different day, different time, same great Goshen tradition.
The Fire and Ice Fest returns on Saturday, February 27! Starting at 11 a.m., ice carvers will begin turning 45 ice blocks into 30 separate pieces of art throughout the downtown. The event will run until around 8 p.m.
Event organizers have taken several steps to ensure public safety during Friday and Ice.
Traditionally a First Fridays event, Fire and Ice is scheduled on a Saturday this year. It will also take place over a longer timeframe.
“We are on a Saturday, instead of a Friday evening, hoping that attendees and families spread out throughout the entire day, instead of a concentrated three-hour timeframe,” said Adrienne Nesbitt, event director with Eyedart Creative Studio. Nesbit also pointed out that First Fridays events are on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
As a further safety measure, Main Street will be blocked off between Lincoln Avenue and Jefferson Street for the duration of the event.
“That gives us two blocks that can have additional room for attendees to spread out, to move around, to give our ice carvers some space, and to keep everyone at a nice social distance,” Nesbitt said.
Fire and Ice organizers request that spectators who visit downtown businesses during the event respect those establishments’ COVID-19 policies.
Per the Elkhart County public health order, masks are required. If mask-wearing and physical distancing cannot be maintained, spectators should not attend the event. Spectators should stay home on the day of the event if they are ill with any COVID-19 symptoms such as fever, cough, body aches, headache, or sore throat; are positive for COVID-19; or have been in close contact with a COVID-19-positive individual in the past 14 days.
Fire and Ice 2021 is a “safety first” event. It’s also about having a whole lot of fun.
“This is a great, family-friendly opportunity to get out, enjoy the day, and celebrate the arts in our downtown in a safe way,” Nesbitt said.
For more information, visit or the Downtown Goshen Facebook page.

Spectators are shown gathering in downtown Goshen for the 2020 Fire and Ice Festival. This year’s event is scheduled for Saturday, February 27.